


The hose pump is composed of pump casing, rotor body, frame, hose, reduction motor and electronic control system. The rotor body rotates, and a pair of pressure rollers on the rotor body rotates along a special rubber hose. The squeezing force generated by the pressure roller and the pump casing will flatten the rubber hose. The elasticity of the tube and the side guide rollers restore the The vacuum produced by the original state sucks the material, and the material is discharged from the tube, so as to reciprocate.




There is also a food-grade rubber hose pump. Its rubber layer must meet food hygiene requirements, and it must also meet EHEDG or other sanitary requirements. There is also a EPDM hose pump, which is generally suitable for most corrosive chemicals and inorganic materials. The inner rubber layer is composed of EPDM rubber, and the outer layer is also a complete EPDM rubber. Such hoses have strong chemical resistance. And CSM hose pump, it is suitable for particularly corrosive chemical media, such as: strong oxidizing solvents. The inner layer of the hose is CSM and the outer layer is natural rubber. Operating temperature reaches 85 ° C / 185 ° F.

连云港豫信致诚机械设备有限公司坐落于中站李封南会253号,本公司专业生产 路沿石成型机。“ 质量为基础,诚信求永恒,厚德载物” 是我公司的企业发展宗旨,也是企业员工孜孜不倦的努力方向 。 公司经多年的发展和努力,拥有着一批专业的服务团队,从机器设计、生产加工、安装运行到售后服务,有朋至远方来,不亦乐乎! 欢迎各地朋友前来参观考察,共谋发展,共创美好未来!
